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Foods and beverages that may be harmful to your teeth


We all know that over consuming alcohol is bad for your health. However, an overlooked aspect of alcohol consumption is the effect it has on your teeth. Alcoholic beverages can lead to dry mouth, staining and decay. In addition, vomiting can occur if drank in excess. Stomach acids in the vomit are harmful to the tooth enamel. But the negative effects of alcohol consumption doesn’t end there. In fact, excess alcohol consumption has been linked to an increased risk of oral cancer.

If you drink, do so in moderation. Your teeth and your body will thank you!

Coffee/ tea/ soda

While many of us like to start our day with coffee or tea, these beverages can be staining and lead to discoloration over time. Also, if you put sugar in your morning cup of joe, this can lead to decay, especially if you are sipping the drink over a longer period of time. High sugar content is an issue for most soda drinks as well; however, opting for diet sodas doesn’t completely fix the problem either. Fizzy drinks are usually quite acidic, which can be damaging to enamel. Try to limit pop intake, and opt for plain water instead.

If you drink coffee or tea, try to drink them sugar- free, and rinse your mouth with water after you finish to minimize staining. Watch out for sports drinks, fruit juices, vitamin waters and other types of beverages which may contain hidden sugars.

Citrus foods

Citrus foods such as oranges, lemons and grapefruit may be high in Vitamin C and overall healthy, but over-consumption of these foods (or their juices) can wear on the enamel of the teeth.

Dried fruits

While dried fruits or trail mixes may be better snacks overall than candy or chips, they still contain natural sugars. They also tend to be quite sticky, which means that they will tend to stay on your teeth long after you’re done eating. Try to eat fresh fruits and vegetables whenever possible, and brush your teeth after consuming dried fruit.

Crunchy foods

Foods like apples, celery, corn on the cob may be healthy, but biting into them can cause dental restorations such as fillings to come loose. If your teeth are already weak, chewing on crunchy foods or ice can cause breakage and cracks. While we do recommend eating lots of fresh produce, try cutting these foods into smaller pieces or cooking prior to eating to soften them up.