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CEREC Dentistry

CEREC Dentistry

Dr. Boisson has been placing restorations using CEREC technology since 1999. This chairside medical grade computer and camera are used to restore any tooth that is decayed, weakened, broken, etc. to its natural strength and beauty. Better yet, it’s done with all-ceramic materials that are tooth-colored in a single appointment

Optical Impression

Instead of filling a tray with impression “goop” that you must bite into and hold in your mouth until it hardens, Dr. Boisson takes an Optical Impression. A camera is used to take a digital picture of your tooth. This whole Optical Impression process takes only a minute or two. The computer and CEREC 3D software converts the digital picture to a three-dimensional virtual model of your prepped tooth. Dr. Boisson then designs your restoration right on screen using the software while you wait (and watch!). This software can assist your dentist with designing any single tooth restoration: crowns, inlays (fillings), onlays (partial crowns), and veneers.

No Temporaries

Next, Dr. Boisson clicks a button, and the restoration design data is sent to a separate milling machine in the office. A ceramic block that matches your tooth shade is placed in the milling machine. About 10 minutes later, your all-ceramic, tooth-colored restoration is ready to try in. Dr. Boisson makes any minor adjustments to the restoration at this time and then puts the final glaze on the crown and fires it in the oven for ultimate strength. Finally, Dr. Boisson bonds the restoration to the prepared tooth and checks for a proper bite. Your tooth is restored with no “temporary” or return trip necessary. All of this is done in a single appointment!

Ask us about CEREC today.

Now Accepting New Patients & Emergencies!

Boisson Dental is open for new patients and provides immediate care for dental emergencies. Contact us today to schedule your visit and experience top-quality care.

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Accepting New Patients and Emergencies (587) 771-7668