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Oral Surgery

There are a number of situations in which oral surgery may be necessary. While the prospect of oral surgery may seem daunting, be assured that the staff at Boisson Dental Group will adequately prepare you for the procedure and ensure your utmost comfort during each step of the process.

Oral Surgery Services We Offer:


Bone Grafting

Dental bone grafting is performed to build up the jawbone. In cases where the jaw bone is damaged or receded, bone grafting is performed as a preparation step prior to a dental implant or restoration. These restorations require sufficient jaw bone volume for optimal chances of success.

Jaw bone volume can be insufficient for a number of reasons:

Periodontal (gum) disease and infections – progressively attacks gum tissue and will eventually damage the jaw bone if left untreated. Other infections can also diminish bone.

Tooth extraction – it is estimated that following a tooth extraction, the patient loses 40-60% of the bone surrounding the tooth site within three years.

Injury – Blows to the jaw or other dental injuries can cause the jaw to recede. Bone grafting treatment can take several months to complete.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

wisdom-teethThere are usually three sets of permanent molars that develop in a person’s upper and lower jaw. The first molars usually grow into the mouth at around the age of 6. The second molars grow in usually around the age of 12. Third molars, also called wisdom teeth, are the last of a person’s teeth to surface, usually between ages 17-25. Most people get four wisdom teeth, but some don’t have any, and in some rare cases people end up with more than four. Your dentist will observe your wisdom teeth through x-rays as part of regular examinations.

In many cases, wisdom teeth do not grow in properly. There is also the potential of having unhealthy gum tissue around them. Often, wisdom teeth do not erupt properly or become impacted, requiring them to be extracted. The Canadian Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (CAOMS) states that 85% of people with wisdom teeth will eventually have to have them removed. Left untreated impacted teeth can cause a host of problems, including misalignment of the jaw.

Even if not impacted, wisdom teeth can be difficult to clean and often require removal to reduce the risk of decay and infection. To avoid potential problems later in life, most dentists remove impacted wisdom teeth.

Your dentist will examine your mouth and x-rays to determine if your wisdom teeth are impacted or will not grow in properly. Impacted teeth may cause problems that can lead to infection, adjacent tooth resorption, gum disease, cysts, or tumors.

Symptoms of impacted teeth:

  • Pain and stiffness of the jaw
  • Infection in the mouth
  • Headaches
  • Facial swelling
  • Swelling of the gum line in the back of the mouth

Wisdom teeth are typically removed after the roots are formed, or at least three-fourths developed. This is usually in the late adolescent years. Surgeries performed later in life are still effective, but healing may be slower, and the risk of complications may be slightly higher.

Dental Implants

Dental implantOne of the best ways to permanently replace missing teeth is with dental implants. Dr. Boisson has more than 22 years experience placing and restoring implants. That means that he guides your care through the whole process with no referral out to specialists. For patients who are more anxious or who need multiple procedures, we also offer sleep dentistry to keep you relaxed.

Implant restoration involves placing tiny titanium steel posts into the jaw bone to replace the missing tooth’s root. Unlike dentures or bridges, an implant is completely independent. Once the tissues have healed around the post, it is held in place.

Once your tissues have healed and your bone has been given the chance to grow around the implant, we can then begin the process of fabricating your crown. To create your new artificial tooth, a scan is taken of your teeth with our iTero machine to avoid the uncomfortable goopy impressions. We send this scan to a lab where they make your implant crown to match your natural teeth. Two weeks later we have you return to the office for placement of your crown.

Who are the best candidates for implants?

The best candidates for dental implants are people with sufficient amounts of jaw bone tissue. This is important because enough tissue is needed to support the implant. During your evaluation, we will thoroughly examine your mouth and go over your health history to ensure you’re a proper candidate.

What’s involved in the procedure?

Tiny metal implants are embedded into your jaw bone. Small posts are attached to each implant which provide anchors for the artificial tooth. Most patients will only require one surgical procedure. During your procedure, you will be given an anesthesia to ensure you will remain completely comfortable. For patients who are more anxious or who need multiple procedures, we also offer sleep dentistry to keep you relaxed.

Following your surgery, it will take 3 to 6 months for your tissues to heal around the implant. During this healing phase, the tissues will bond with the implant, holding it firmly in place.

Once your tissues have healed, the second phase begins. To create your new artificial teeth, impressions are taken. Posts or attachments are attached to the implants and the artificial teeth are custom made over them. This phase will last approximately 3 to 6 months.

To find out if dental implants are right for you, contact us at Boisson Dental Group in Grande Prairie at 587 771 7668 or to set up an appointment.

All on 4

All-on-4™ is an effective treatment for restoring the appearance and function of a patient’s mouth when there are multiple teeth missing, or when teeth need to be extracted due to deep decay or damage from gum disease.

The All-on-4™ systems consists of custom-made restorations that are affixed to a series of four dental implants. The dental implants serve as a firm foundation for the restoration to be affixed to. Unlike removable full or partial dentures, All-on-4™ is a permanent solution to missing teeth.

All-on-4™ is sometimes called ‘Teeth in one day’, due to the fact that dramatic changes in a patient’s smile can be accomplished in just a short period of time. The treatment works by inserting four titanium implants into the gum line of either the upper or lower jaw, wherever there are missing teeth. The gums will need some time to heal after the implants are inserted, but in some cases temporary teeth can be placed over the implants during the healing time. During this time, permanent teeth will be custom created for the patient in a dental lab.

The restoration is designed to closely mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. The treatment will leave you with secure dentures, enabling you to enjoy food and feel comfortable again knowing that your dentures are stable. Recovery time is quick, as most of our patients are back to their regular routines the next day. The implants will also work to maintain the size of the jaw in patients who are missing all of their teeth by preventing the jawbone from shrinking, which can happen with the older style removable dentures. Another benefit is the ease of cleaning your implant supported dentures – they can be snapped out for easy, thorough cleaning. Boost your self-confidence with secure, permanent dentures.

Now Accepting New Patients & Emergencies!

Boisson Dental is open for new patients and provides immediate care for dental emergencies. Contact us today to schedule your visit and experience top-quality care.

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Accepting New Patients and Emergencies (587) 771-7668