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Tips for dealing with sensitive teeth from your local Grande Prairie Dentist

dentists grande prairie

Does the thought of biting into a cold ice cream cone or taking a sip of a steamy hot cup of cocoa make you cringe? At our Grande Prairie dental office we encounter a lot of patients who suffer from tooth sensitivity. For many of these patients eating or drinking hot and cold foods and beverages can be enough to cause sharp pain. What exactly causes tooth sensitivity, and how can it be managed?

Your enamel

Your tooth enamel may not be something you give a lot of thought to, but this thin outer layer does the important job of protecting your delicate teeth. Once tooth enamel has eroded it can not be regenerated, so it is important that you properly care for your enamel.

While no product can restore lost enamel, there are toothpastes designed for sensitive teeth which can prevent further damage and help soothe your teeth.

Pay attention to your diet

Sugary and acidic foods and beverages such as tomatoes, oranges, citrus juices and sodas can all eat away at your enamel and cause further pain and sensitivity. It’s best to avoid very hot or very cold foods and drinks. Do not chew on hard candy, ice, or very crunchy or sticky foods, as these can all irritate sensitive teeth.

Getting to the root of your pain

Sensitivity to hot and cold can often be a sign of decay, especially if it is only in one area.
Bruxism, or grinding of the teeth, can also damage the enamel and cause pain and sensitivity. If this is the case, your dentist may suggest that you get fitted for a night guard to protect your teeth from night time grinding.

If you are suffering from sensitive teeth it’s a good idea to book an appointment with your family dentist. He or she can help determine the cause of your sensitivity and formulate a treatment plan for you. If you are looking for a dentist in the Grande Prairie area give us a call at (587)-771-7668 to book an appointment